woensdag 12 maart 2025 04:57

WMH Reglementen

Een compacte greep uit de officiele regels van de WMH

Disclaimer: Informatie kan verouderd zijn. Check altijd de laatste versies op de downloadsectie van de WMH site.


Wedstrijdreglement WMH

Maskers voor verdediging bij strafcorners zijn vanaf heden verplicht!

Composition of a Team for a Match


No later than one (1) hour prior to the commencement of each match, the Team Manager or person with authorized access must complete on the TMS the starting line-up nominating:

  • the eleven (11) players who will be on the field of play at the commencement of the match;
  • the captain and up to two (2) goalkeeper(s) for the match (if the full squad of eighteen (18) is to be used - refer below);
    • a maximum of eighteen (18) players may be used by a team in a match, of whom two (2) must be goalkeepers wearing full protective equipment. If one (1) of the goalkeepers becomes injured or is suspended during a tournament, that team can continue to use seventeen (17) players including only one (1) goalkeeper. If a team chooses not to include a second goalkeeper in the eighteen (18) players, they are limited to using sixteen (16) players in a match.
    • If a player(s) has been suspended by the Technical Delegate for one (1) or more matches then, for those matches, the number of players the team concerned may use will be reduced by the number of players suspended;
  • the players who will start on the team bench (players suspended for the match should be included);
    • the Team Manager (1st Team Official) for the match;
    • 2nd Team Official on the team bench for the match;
    • 3rd Team Official (if any) on the team bench for the match;
    • 4th Team Official (if any) on the bench for the match;
    • plus a Medical Doctor (if any) on the team bench for the match.

Nominated to start but injured at warming up

A player nominated to start the match who becomes incapacitated during warm-up or practice may be replaced by a player whose name appears on the Team Entry Form. The Team Manager must notify the Technical Officer on duty accordingly.


For the purposes of ceremonial activities, e.g. the playing of the national anthem, the full complement of players are permitted on the field of play (not just the starting line up as listed) prior to the commencement of a match.


All matches approved as a Levels 1 will qualify for the awarding of International Caps except for the circumstances noted below.

National ‘branding’

Teams participating in Levels 1 Events are permitted to use the NA name, wear the National uniform and play the respective National anthem and use the National flag.

WMH Masters verantwoordelijke namens FIH

De WMH is door de FIH aangesteld (download) als de "Single Entity for International Masters Hockey.